My Favorites List
Why create a Favorites list?
Because it will Save you Time and Money!
Your Favorites list makes it easier to locate all your favorite items and then with only ONE click you can ADD your selected items directly into your shopping cart!
How Do I Create a Favorites list?
First thing is to create an Account. That way the website knows who you are and can keep track of your Favorites and your Order History.
Next, as you are shopping along and find an item you want to remember, just click the link and your item is saved for you.
The will remain highlighted upon your return, so you will know that product is already a part of your favorites list.
You can review your list simply by clicking on the My Account Icon at the top of any web page and navigating to the My Favorite link.
Once you have your list created, you can select the quantity per item and with One click of the Button and you're ready for checkout.
To remove an item from your list, just click the “Trashcan” icon.
Other great features, is you can "Update your List" and "Share your List" all from the My Favorites List page.